White House Farm Phase 2
Two years on from the employment allocation at the White House Farm site, it became clear in 2014 that there was no market demand for office uses on this part of the site, which is located to the south of White House Farm and west of land locally known as “the Paddock”. It was also evident that the Council’s employment needs could be met on alternative sites, as such Cecil M Yuill therefore instructed GVA to promote an alternative residential use on the site via a planning application which represented a departure from the development plan.
GVA subsequently prepared and submitted an outline planning application to Hambleton District Council for a housing development of up to 25 dwellings. GVA worked with Council Officers and successfully demonstrated that there was no realistic prospect of employment development coming forward on the site and that housing would be a safe and appropriate alternative use, taking into account the impact of a vehicular access onto Westlands. The application was approved unanimously by the Council in September 2015 and as of 2017 the site has outline consent for residential development.