Quarry Farm Phase 1

Planning permission was granted in February 2015 for outline planning permission for the construction of 81 dwellings on land at Quarry Farm, Elwick Road, Hartlepool. The scheme, finally approved at appeal in February 2005, comprised a high quality, landscape-led development which provided a mix of 3 and 4 bedroom detached houses, including a proportion of bungalows, within a landscaped setting in order to reflect the rural nature of the site and its environs.

Subsequent to the grant of outline consent reserved matters was approved in November 2015 which confirmed the precise design, form and layout of the development within the parameters set by the outline consent. The site is now currently under construction by Bellway Homes.

Click this link to find out more – Elwick Grove


Area Plan
  • QF-view
  • QF-Masterplan
  • QF-sketch
  • Microsoft PowerPoint - board_230414